We’re friends. we don’t shake hands, we high-five.


Hi, I’m Irma.

My Why

My dad always had some type of camera in front of me growing up. Naturally, we would shoot with film cameras or my ever-so-cool Nikon Cool Pix as I got older. My first photography class was in high school where I was gifted my first DSLR camera. That was it, I was taking it everywhere.

I’m naturally introverted but something about being behind the camera gives me a sense of security and spark that nothing else can. It’s part of me.

I moved across the country from Atlanta at the end of 2017 right after graduating with my photo degree. Just a car packed with stuff. No job, bed, or place to live. Yes, John Muir, the mountains are really calling and I must go. I took a leap and went full freelance. I made it work and was able to call Denver / the Rocky Mountains home for 5 years. It’s fulfilling and a privilege to say I’m still a full time photographer. Home base is back in Atlanta these days to be closer to family but I’m always travelling, exploring, and discovering. Thanks for making my dreams come true. I couldn’t do this without you.

Bits of me

Virgo. Enneagram 9. Hufflepuff. INFJ.

When my focus isn’t photography, my other hobbies take over. There’s nothing like a 65 degree day with the sun hitting your face and the wind blows while you’re reading a book in a hammock. That (with a lemonade) sounds like pure bliss to me. My time in the outdoors or in my darkroom developing film is sacred. I feel like I am where I should be. If I’m not relaxing, find me at the skate park rollerblading/rollerskating with my friends or on a trail somewhere.

“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuff's are true and unafraid of toil”

Though you can’t judge someone by their label, I very much identify as an Enneagram 9 (take the test if you don’t know what I’m talking about!). My attitude is likely to be swayed by my environment. Tranquility is everything. Us Nines are known as the gentle peacekeepers. That paired with my organizational quality of being a Virgo makes seeing why being a wedding photographer is a good fit for me! I try to see all perspectives of situations and take value in the little things. There’s big joy for me at wedding receptions. One character that is also labelled as a Nine is Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He’s known for being friendly, silly, and optimistic :-) My INFJ personality type (take the Myer’s Briggs test too) is the rarest of the 16 types. Success isn’t defined as money but as being a helping hand. Deep talks with emotional honesty are important to me. Others like me include Nelson Mandela and Mr. Rogers and actors like Morgan Freeman, Jon Snow from GoT, and Aragorn from LotR.



KINDNESS. Treat others with deep empathy.
PASSION. Find the things that make you feel alive.
LISTENING. Your thoughts are important. I value what you have to say.
SHARING IDEAS. We grow when we learn from one another.
EQUALITY. Every color/body shape/gender/sexuality/race matters.
MY PLANET. Learn about National Parks & how to care for our Earth.
LAUGHTER. True connection can be made through ugly laughs together.

THINGS that bring me joy - MAYBE for you too

campfires with s’mores, the Office and Friends, chocolate with caramel, arcades, museums, baking desserts, editing in coffee shops, new adventures, fluffy blankets, cotton candy at the fair, Fall breezes and crunchy leaves, stumpy corgi legs, Harry Potter and Studio Ghibli movies, being up front at concerts (see some photos), board games, flowers and plants, archery, picnics, developing my own film in my darkroom, sustainability, hiking, reading in hammocks, collecting records and old cameras, rollerskating, watercolor paints, kickboxing, bowling, mini golf, & photography of course!

My National Park Checklist: 45 out of 63 parks
Booked shoots in: 18/50 States
Visited: 50/50 states, 5/7 Continents