2018 Year in Review — Photography by Irma Ali

2018 Year in Review


Wow, I don’t even know how to begin to tell you what a phenomenal year this has been. 2018, you frickin’ huffed and puffed and blew my walls down (literally). In these 12 months alone, I quit my desk jobs, went full freelance, and traveled throughout the US and even left the country to shoot photos. I have believed in myself more than I have ever in my entire 24 years on this Earth.

INSANE to wrap my head around. I am extremely humbled and so lucky to have unforgettable support. November 2017 I left my life in Georgia with not much direction. It is passing December 2018 and I’m settled in my dream state of Colorado doing my dream job, with my dream gear set up and my dream car. It is entirely unreal.

It was hard for me to decide if I wanted to post a “Best of 2018” or a “Year in Review.” I decided on Year in Review because this year has honestly been a steady “best” the whole year. HUGE thank you to those that let me into your lives even just for a little tiny bit.

Here are highlights of almost every shoot and travel experience from this year.

Photo sets are separated by weddings, portraits, music, couples, and travel chronologically by two in each category.

I’ll probably be posting full sets of some of these next year. For now - bye 2018!!


2019, you have a tough act to follow.


Including: before, after, and everything in between


Including: old friends, new friends, strangers


Including: new artists, mainstream, underground bands, indoor and outdoor venues


Including: newly engaged, anniversary sessions, proposals, and new families


Including: US and international

….Greetings 2019.
