Ashton + Jordon | Cape San Blas, Florida Wedding
I haven’t blogged a wedding in a while but that is only because I have been traveling so much! For this one - it was Colorado to my layover in Atlanta to the small airport of Panama City! When Ashton originally asked me to photograph her wedding, I immediately made sure to make the time. Ashton is an old high school friend. For years after not seeing her, only from what we know from social media, I was honored to fly down for her.
The lads and ladies were getting ready in separate beach houses across the way from each other. One of the bridesmaids, that happened to have had art classes with me in high school, came out to greet me. I was given a little tour of the house and brought upstairs to where the rest of the ladies were. Once Ashton was settled finishing her make up, I took her dress outside to be hung from the balcony. When I saw the wood, I knew where I wanted it. There were quite a few challenges though…the guys had a clear view from our balcony to theirs and the ceiling was out of reach for me to hang the dress. Calls were made to make sure no one was on their balcony for me to take a few quick shots. The bridesmaids were also kind enough to all come outside to lift me and the dress up! My hand was held as I balanced on the white railing standing on my tip-toes to GET THAT SHOT!
When your mom gets your dress mis-buttoned so your maid of honor swoops in to the rescue! This crew was a bundle of laughs.
Ashton was so chill about everything and her family and friends had her back the whole day (literally).
Even though I had known Ashton for so long, this was my first meeting with Jordon. You could tell Jordon was excited to be on the aisle with Ashton and that his groomsmen were ready too.
I mean of course they even said "SATURDAY IS FOR THE BOYS!”
When the nerves set in…
The officiant was so happy to be a part of the wedding since they were all friends anyway. He was posing for pictures and everything, it was great.
i do
“Marriage is like the sea. It can be calm or still. Rough and rigid. But in the end, the waves still hug the shore.”
that “now…Time for pizza” face
Toasts got a little emotional for Brittany, the maid of honor. It was beautiful to hear her say how Ashton had been with her through the whole journey of having her baby.
I think my favorite part of the speech though was the fact that they quote Spongebob too much - yeah I CAN RELATE!
When I say this couple is full of fun, I really meant it! One of the bridesmaids yelled out - DO THAT TITANIC, YOU’RE IN THE WATER YOU HAVE TO! We all couldn’t stop laughing.
I had hinted at them to get into the water with the dress on and they had told me afterwards that they were hoping I would want them to!
Beyond happy to have clients willing to get down and dirty for their day. You got one dress, how about using the heck out of it?!
I found love in your laugh.
We were having so much fun by the water, even with most of the bridal party watching us from the deck!
Refreshed in an understatement. Not only was the couple relaxing but this trip in itself was. Great weather, great friends, great laughs.
Really couldn’t have asked for a more of a sun filed day in the sunshine state.